HIV Treatment & Care
Are you HIV positive?
We can help!
HIV Care at Circle Care Center
Circle Care Center in Norwalk and Glastonbury, CT offers expert HIV care. Our experienced providers, Dr. David Rubin, Dr. Trish Garton, and Dr. Kenneth Abriola are AAHIVS-certified specialists from the American Academy of HIV Specialists and are dedicated to providing compassionate and comprehensive care.
Regular blood tests are that are conducted:
- Viral Load: Measures amount of HIV in the blood
- CD4 Cell Count: Measures CD4 cells, a type of white blood cell that helps fight infection
- Lipid Panel: Measures cholesterol and triglyceride levels
- Liver and Kidney Function: Evaluates liver and kidney heath
Regular monitoring through blood tests is essential for people living with HIV to ensure effective treatment, prevent complications, and maintain a good quality of life.
Want to save money on your copays and deductibles?
Find out if you qualify for savings through Circle Care Center’s
340B program: CLICK HERE to learn more.
Providers at Circle Care Center work with new patients to offer medical case management and HIV care navigation to ensure that all of their treatment needs are met.
Primary medical care: Primary care for HIV positive patients with one of our experienced HIV Treatment Specialists consists of comprehensive, quality medical care, including:- Annual wellness exams
Comprehensive preventative and symptom-related laboratory analyses
Sexually transmitted infection consultation and screening
Preventative vaccinations (HPV, meningitis, flu, pneumonia, shingles)
Nutritional consultations and weight loss therapies
- Consultation about HIV drug resistance
- Anal carcinoma and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) screening
- HIV/AIDS wasting treatment
- Testosterone replacement therapy
- Hormonal therapy for HIV-positive trans patients
- Chronic Hepatitis C virus (HCV) 8- and 12-week treatment options
- Medical Marijuana consultation regarding risks/benefits.
Onsite Non-Profit Pharmacy Program Circle Care Center Pharmacy is a full-service specialty pharmacy located at CCC’s medical center in Norwalk, CT. Services include monthly prescription auto-fill, personalized medication consultations, assistance in enrolling in patient assistance programs, immunizations, and financial assistance for qualified patients.
Sexual Health Counseling: Identify risks for sexually transmitted infections and create an individualized risk reduction plan (including PrEP for HIV-seronegative partners) both to promote your health and minimize possible harm regardless of current HIV status.
Mental Health: Individual counseling, psychotherapy, and annual psychosocial assessments with our knowledgeable and sensitive Licensed Clinical Social Worker.